Lyra Ribbon Map

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Send As

  • Export presentations in PPTx or PDF. Enable users to export and save specific slides from a presentation selectively
  • Outlook automatically opens with the exported slides attached as a file
  • This seamless process makes sharing content with colleagues, clients, or collaborators easy

Save As

  • Save As feature automates the slide export process, eliminating the need for manual extraction
  • Save with a single click as PPTx and PDF
  • Save Selected Slides allows users to selectively export specific slides from a presentation
  • Avoid cumbersome workaround such as duplicate presentations and selectively cancel slides

Bold Color Theme

  1. Identify the text box containing the bold text to which you intend to apply the color theme.
  2. Opt for the desired theme accent by navigating through the available options.
  3. Click on the "B" icon to execute the application of the chosen theme accent to the selected bold text within the text box.
  4. The selected color theme will be applied only to the bold text within the text box

Arrange by Rows/Columns

  • Organize and structure your document layouts with the Row/Column Alignment, Grouping, and Distribution functionality.
  • This feature allows users to seamlessly align, group, or distribute selected shapes either by rows or columns, enhancing the overall visual coherence.

Key Functionalities:

1. Alignment Options: choose from various alignment options, including vertical and horizontal alignment, to neatly arrange selected shapes.

2. Grouping Capability: opt for grouping to unify selected shapes, facilitating streamlined movement and modification.

3. Distribution Controls: distribute selected shapes evenly either by rows or columns, achieving balanced and organized layouts.

Increase/Decrease TextBox Margins

  • Margin Expansion: Increase the margins of a selected textbox to create breathing space, allowing for a more aesthetically pleasing and organized appearance.
  • Margin Reduction: Decrease the margins when a more compact layout is desired, optimizing space utilization and emphasizing content density.
  • Choose the target textbox within your document by clicking on it.
  • Utilize the provided controls to incrementally increase or decrease the margins based on your specific layout requirements.
  • Keyboard Shortcut
    • Expansion: Ctrl+Alt+’
    • Reduction: Ctrl+Alt+;

Increase/Decrease TextBox Margins

  • Margin Expansion: Increase the margins of a selected textbox to create breathing space, allowing for a more aesthetically pleasing and organized appearance.
  • Margin Reduction: Decrease the margins when a more compact layout is desired, optimizing space utilization and emphasizing content density.
  • Choose the target textbox within your document by clicking on it.
  • Utilize the provided controls to incrementally increase or decrease the margins based on your specific layout requirements.
  • Keyboard Shortcut
    • Expansion: Ctrl+Alt+’
    • Reduction: Ctrl+Alt+;

Increase/Decrease TextBox Line Spacing

  • Line Spacing Expansion: Increase the space between lines of a selected textbox
  • Line Spacing Reduction: Decrease the space between lines of a selected textbox
  • Choose the target textbox within your document by clicking on it.
  • Utilize the provided controls to incrementally increase or decrease the margins based on your specific layout requirements.
  • Keyboard Shortcut
    • Expansion: Shift+Alt+L
    • Reduction: Alt+L

Increase/Decrease TextBox Line Spacing

  • Line Spacing Expansion: Increase the space between lines of a selected textbox
  • Line Spacing Reduction: Decrease the space between lines of a selected textbox
  • Choose the target textbox within your document by clicking on it.
  • Utilize the provided controls to incrementally increase or decrease the margins based on your specific layout requirements.
  • Keyboard Shortcut
    • Expansion: Shift+Alt+L
    • Reduction: Alt+L

Margin Settings

  • Toggle Margin: Rotate margin settings between no margin, Narrow, and Wide
  • Set Margin to Zero: remove any margin
  • Preset Margin Options: open a setting window to define the margin spacing for narrow and wide; also set the incremental value of the Increase/Decrease Margin command

Line Spacing Settings

Change the settings of the Line Spacing functionality

  • Set Line Spacing to Zero: remove any margin
  • Preset Line Spacing Options: open a setting window to set the incremental value of the Increase/Decrease Line Spacing command

Bullet Points Adjustment

  • Indentation Control: Adjust the indentation level of bullet points to enhance the hierarchical structure of your content.
  • Spacing Modification: Fine-tune the space between bullet points and text.

How to use:

  1. Access Arrow Menu: Click on the arrow menu to reveal a set of formatting options for bullet points.
  2. Select Functionality: Choose either the "Indentation" or "Spacing" option based on your formatting needs.
  3. Click Corresponding Icon: Once the desired functionality is selected, click on the icon representing either increased or decreased levels.
  4. Apply Changes: Witness the immediate application of your chosen formatting as the bullet points in your document adjust accordingly.

Split/Join TextBoxes

  • Textbox Splitting: Transform a single textbox into multiple textboxes, each encapsulating a distinct bullet point. When possible, maintain the original formatting, ensuring a consistent and visually pleasing transition.
  • Textbox Merging: Combine multiple textboxes into a unified structure. When possible, merge content while preserving individual formatting attributes, creating a streamlined and cohesive presentation.

How to Use:

  1. Access the Split/Merge Options: click on the designated menu to access the Split and Merge functionality.
  2. Select Split or Merge: Choose between "Split" or "Merge" based on your document editing needs.

After splitting or merging, review the result and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the content maintains its intended structure.

Smart Select

  • The Smart Select Tool is an intelligent feature designed to effortlessly identify and select shapes that share specific attributes such as size, width, height, and color.

How to use:

  1. Initiate the Smart Select Tool by first selecting a single shape within your document
  2. Navigate to the Smart Select menu and choose the Smart Select option to activate the tool.
  3. Watch as the Smart Select Tool dynamically identifies and selects all shapes sharing the same attributes as the initially selected shape.

Same Size

  • The Same Size Tool enables users to standardize the size, width, or height of multiple shapes within a slide.
  • This tool simplifies the process of ensuring precise uniformity across shapes by allowing users to set a reference shape as the target size, and then seamlessly apply these dimensions to other selected shapes.

How to use:

  1. Select Reference Shape: click on the shape that you want to set as the reference for size, width, or height.
  2. Press Shift key for multi-selection: Hold down the Shift key to enable multi-selection mode, allowing you to click on and select additional shapes.
  3. Command option execution: Press the Command Option keys to trigger the uniform sizing action. The selected shapes will adjust to match the size, width, or height of the reference shape.

Swap Position

  • Swap the positions of two shapes either vertically, horizontally, or in both dimensions, depending on your design requirements

How to use:

  1. Select two shapes: begin by selecting two shapes that you want to interchange in terms of position.
  2. Access position swapping menu: navigate to the Position Swapping menu to reveal the available options for swapping vertical, horizontal, or both.
  3. Execute position swap: choose the desired swapping option (vertical, horizontal, or both) and witness the instant repositioning of the selected shapes according to the chosen orientation.

Gap Narrowing/Expanding

  • Gap Narrowing/Expanding reduces or expands the gaps between selected shapes, enhancing the overall layout according to your preferences and avoiding manual adjustments.
  • Narrow gaps: create a "Dense" configuration reducing the gaps between shapes, creating a visually compact and tightly arranged layout.
  • Expand gaps: create a "Sparse" configuration expanding the gaps between shapes, achieving a more open and spacious visual arrangement.

How to use:

  1. Access Density Adjustment Command: begin by selecting the Density Adjustment command from the menu or toolbar
  2. Select Shapes: after activating the command, click on the shapes you wish to adjust in terms of density. multiple shapes can be selected for simultaneous modification
  3. Execute Adjustment: press the selected option to witness the immediate adjustment of the gaps between the chosen shapes

Smart Table

  • Elevate your table editing experience with Smart Table, a comprehensive toolset designed to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of tables within your document.
  • This versatile toolkit introduces several powerful functionalities, providing users with the means to customize, align, transform, and analyze table content.

Key Functionalities:

1. Add Gaps Between Rows and Columns: easily insert gaps between selected rows and columns.

    • Begin by selecting the target columns for gap insertion, then activate the function to achieve a visually enhanced layout.
    • Select the columns where you want to insert gaps, then click on the "Add Gaps" function.

2. Streamline the alignment process by aligning shapes to the cells of a table. Select shapes and choose to align them to the cells beneath, with the option to align based on the leftmost shape in a row or the topmost shape in a column.

    • Select shapes and choose the "Align to Table Cells" function.
    • Opt to align shapes beneath the table cells, aligning based on the leftmost shape in a row or the topmost shape in a column.

3. Effortlessly transform tables into textboxes with a single click. Enhance the flexibility of your document layout by converting tables into versatile text containers

    • Click on the "Transform Table into Textboxes" function after selecting the table.

4. Compute the sum of a selected column within the table. Click on the function, select the column to be summed, and watch as the tool calculates the sum, saves it to the clipboard, and displays the result in a convenient message box.

    • Select the column to compute the sum
    • Click on the "Sum Cell Content" function
    • The tool will calculate the sum, save it to the clipboard, and display the result in a message box.

Harvey Ball

  • Insert Harvey Ball allows users to effortlessly add Harvey Balls into their content.
  • This functionality provides flexibility by enabling users to select and customize different quarters of the Harvey Ball according to their specific needs.

Toggle Harvey Ball

  • Loop quarters is a convenient functionality that enables users to effortlessly toggle between different quarters of a Harvey Ball with a single click

How to use:

  1. Select the Harvey Ball that you want to modify; you can select multiple Harvey Ball at once
  2. Click Loop Quarters
  3. The Harvey Ball(s) will rotate to the next quarter


  • Add quickly and consistently positive and negative tick symbols

Key Features:

  • Quick Access: instantly insert positive and negative tick signs with a single click, ensuring swift integration into your document.
  • Consistent Formatting: guarantee uniformity in presentation with predefined styles for positive and negative tick signs, eliminating the need for manual formatting.
  • Style Selection: choose from different styles, including filled, outline only, and outline dashed, allowing for customization based on your document's visual requirements


  • Add quickly and consistently positive and negative tick symbols

Key Features:

  • Quick Access: instantly insert positive and negative tick signs with a single click, ensuring swift integration into your document.
  • Consistent Formatting: guarantee uniformity in presentation with predefined styles for positive and negative tick signs, eliminating the need for manual formatting.
  • Style Selection: choose from different styles, including filled, outline only, and outline dashed, allowing for customization based on your document's visual requirements

Insert Sticky Notes

  • Enhance your presentation and encourage collaboration with the Sticky Notes functionality, a simple yet powerful feature that allows users to effortlessly add digital sticky notes to their slides.
  • This tool provides an interactive and dynamic way to convey additional information, comments, or reminders within your presentation.

How to use:

    • Select the color of the sticky note
    • Click on the Sticky select to add as one or many stickies


  • Augment your slide content with personalized and organized annotations using the Stickers
  • This feature allows users to add predefined or custom labels to empower users to categorize and customize their annotations, promoting clarity and efficiency in communication.

Key features:

  • Predefined and Custom Labels: choose from pre-saved labels for quick annotation or add a new label for a customized and specific categorization.
  • Effortless Label Creation: define new labels by entering the desired text into the "Define new sticker's label" field and clicking "Add."
  • User-Friendly Label Navigation: easily navigate and add a sticky note to the slide by clicking on the link corresponding to the selected label.


  • Follow these simple steps to seamlessly integrate footnotes into your document

How to use:

  1. Navigate to Cursor Location: position the cursor at the specific location in the document where the footnote is intended.
  2. Activate Footnote Window: click on the dedicated Footnote button to open the Footnote window.
  3. Enter Footnote Text: input the relevant text or information within the Footnote window.
  4. Complete Insertion: click "Insert" to automatically add the footnote text at the bottom of the page.

Title Tracker

  • The Title Tracker Integration functionality is a valuable asset for users looking to enhance document tracking and organization.
  • By seamlessly integrating a dynamic tracker into the title, this feature streamlines the process of visually referencing and navigating through document sections or content.


  • Source function simplifies the process of citing sources within your document guaranteeing consistent formatting

How to use:

  • Source Button Activation: click on the dedicated Source button to effortlessly open the Source window, initiating the quick attribution process.
  • Source Text Entry: within the Source window, enter the text of the source—such as author, title, or link—providing the necessary attribution details.
  • Automatic Placement: with a simple click, the source is automatically added at the bottom of the page, starting with the standardized text "Source: " for clear and consistent formatting.